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lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Dark Shadows


I´m goning to talk you about a film call "Dark Shadows".

When I saw this film I have alot of fun. I recommend you to see it

This film is from the director Tim Burton.

And the principal actor is Johnny Depp.




Here is the trailer

By: Alicia

Hi, this is a song that I like is from Rihanna, is called STAY

By Celia

Hi, this is a song by Bruno mars that I really like, called WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN

By Celia

Hi, this is a trailer for a movie I've seen many times and I really like, called MAMMA MIA

By Celia

Catching Fire


This is the trailer of a film called Catching Fire.
It is from the saga "The Hunger Games"

I hope that you enjoy it

By: Alicia

900 visits!!!!!

Since when we created our blog, we have have 900 visits :)

Thank you for all of you that have visit our blog

Alicia and Celia

martes, 4 de junio de 2013




I´m going to talk you about inventions.

There have been alot of inventions, and not everybody think the same about the best invention for them.

For me the best invention was the Camera.

Because I love taking photos and thanks to this object we can have easily the image of something that we like or of a memory

It was invented in 1814 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce but the photo that he took required 8 hours at the sunlight and later it dissapeared.

So Jacques-Mandé Daguerre is considered the first inventor of the practical process os the photograph

The first cameras were in black and white and if you wanted to take photos tou haved to go to a professional photographer.

                                                                                              But now a days cameras are digital, and also in colour, they take better photographs with a better image quality, and they have very large zooms.


Published by: Alicia